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Our family Halloween Movie 2020: Da House of Peng!

We love making Halloween movies! Our recent creation, Da House of Peng, is the result of a combined family effort over half term last week, and we're absolutely thrilled with the result!

We made our first Halloween movie, featuring only Ruby, Lyla and Mia, back in 2009, when we were living in Fiji. I've just uploaded it to YouTube here. It's so touching to see how small and sweet my beautiful daughters were; I especially love Mia's little, "I'm a zebra!" at the end, it melts my heart every time! Back then, we had no idea that there would be more Halloween videos to come, starring six Tavola children!

Fast forward to 2012 and we had moved to Doha, Qatar. Our children's school had a Halloween home movie competition, so we entered this little gem, and won! I particularly adore my tiny Halloween pumpkins on the doorstep and Arlo's little gasp at the end!

In 2014, we decided to get creative once more and produced this longer movie, where my little stars were busy searching for the Halloween monster, aka big daddy George! The cute uh-ohs never fail to make me smile!

By the time 2017 came about, we were really in the movie-making groove! We created this short film, with more of a developed storyline and script. I feel quite sentimental seeing Mia and Ivy as sweet little witches, because although it was only three years ago, they seem to have grown up so much since then!

So now it's 2020 and the year has been a challenge for everyone, to say the least. With restricted activity due to the global pandemic, we thought we'd make the most of being at home with each other for half term and create our best movie yet!

We developed a full script and filmed it over a few days, with multiple outfit changes. It's a satirical piece based on a group of reality TV stars who all meet a grisly demise due to the disrespect they've endured. It contains more graphics than our previous movies, thanks to Ruby's use of green screens and nifty editing skills, and much more extensive dialogue in a range of different scenes. I've watched it so many times, but I still laugh out loud at every comical moment! I particularly love the twins' dance moves and Ruby's continuous indifference as she taps away on her phone, oblivious to the horrifying fate of her desperate housemates!

The best part about it, however, is the time we spent working on it together, having a laugh with each other and achieving something as a team. I am very aware of how lucky I am to have all the children at home with me and how I get to spend so much quality time with them. I want to soak up every precious minute of their wonderful company. Ruby's currently on a gap year, but next September she'll be starting university and Lyla will be following her the year after that. I can't wait to see how they grow when they spread their wings, and what they'll achieve, but I also know that pretty soon I'll be pining for magical days like these, when all my babies were within range of a hug and a shared smile.

So here it is, DA HOUSE OF PENG, for your viewing pleasure!:


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