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"I Love You" -A Birthday Performance by My Super Six!

It was my birthday this month and Ruby and Lyla were due to be home for their university spring break. However, Ruby had to leave early because she was going on a university field trip to Spain. So, she organised an early birthday celebration for me, and it was the perfect day from beginning to end. We enjoyed a hearty, delicious breakfast, full of homemade pastries, some pool time with delicious cocktails and a mouth-wateringly good evening meal at a fantastic Vietnamese restaurant.

It was so wonderful making memories with each and every one of my beautiful children. I'm always at my happiest when we're all together. The absolute highlight for me, however, was mid afternoon, when we gathered indoors and they performed one of my favourite songs: I Love You by Boy Pablo. Ivy was on electric guitar, Lyla on ukulele, Mia on the drum, Ruby and Arlo on the keyboard and everyone on vocals. Seeing all of my children collaborating and putting their time and energy into creating something so wonderful, which they knew would make me happy, simply made my heart soar. I absolutely loved it.

I'm not a materialistic person. I always think it's far more meaningful when someone gives you the precious gift of time and thoughtfulness, rather than purchasing physical gifts. I adore homemade cards from the children, with their carefully considered, artistic designs and deeply touching messages, and a wonderful song or dance means much more to me than anything money could buy.

This performance was something I'll never forget; I'll carry it in my heart forever. I filmed it and have watched it many times since, to remind myself of the magical sound and sight of my six children being so wonderfully creative. It makes me smile every time and I much prefer it over the original version!

So here it is. I Love You by the Tavola Six. I hope you can see why it meant so much to me:


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