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A Touch of Poetry

I love playing with words and marvelling at how a simple, carefully considered composition can evoke so much feeling. There's a real sense of satisfaction that comes from clearly articulating yourself and expressing your message with just the right balance of meaning and intention. Sometimes, when there's something on my mind, simply putting my thoughts on paper can help alleviate the weight of the issue. Likewise, when I'm feeling overwhelmed with love, pride or happiness, or when one of life's core messages hits home, it feels endlessly fulfilling to succinctly reflect those sentiments in a poem.

My husband and I share a love of poetic expression. When we lived in Fiji, he entered, and won, a couple of poetry slams, where he performed his pieces with heartfelt, compelling expression. One of those poems was about his love for me, detailing how we met and the progression of our life journey together...what could be more touching? It brings forth a wealth of emotion now just thinking about it.

The poem above conveys some of my central, and evolving, beliefs. I feel that each and every one of us is on this earth for a unique purpose. We aren't passive players in our own destiny; it's our actions and reactions that determine the course of our story. I have come to understand that the healthiest and most positive way to look at every situation is to accept it as a learning experience, reflect on what it's taught you and use that knowledge as strength to proceed in a more positive way. I think that we are all innately more powerful and capable than we believe, we just need to learn how to harness that power. While we're doing that, I don't think we can go too far wrong if we underpin all our choices with the notion and intention of kindness. I intend to do a future blog post about this outlook, but, for now, I'm happy to share this composition which, I hope, carries a message of empowerment and purpose.

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