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Our Daily Smoothie...

Everyday, I make a smoothie for the family, so, regardless of whatever else we may or may not be eating, I can rest assured that we're all getting a good regular intake of raw fruit and veg.

This one included watermelon, broccoli, bananas, ginger, apples (core and skin included), flax seeds, dates, strawberries and beetroot powder. I often add spinach, wheatgrass powder, different types of berries, mangoes and kiwi fruit too.

I try to use organic produce whenever possible, which is especially important when I'm including skins.

The beetroot powder not only provides a burst of the beneficial compound betaine, but also gives it a wonderful deep pink colour which makes it look much more appetising for the children.

While broccoli is a powerhouse of nutrients, the rest of my family aren't fans of the flavour, so the bananas, dates and strawberries keep it sweet enough to enjoy!

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