Courgetti with Pesto and Sun Dried Tomatoes
This is my favourite dish at the moment. It's really simple but so amazingly tasty, I can't get enough of it. Courgetti is a great, raw alternative to carb-laden spaghetti but is very similar in both look and texture.
You need a spiraliser to make it. I got mine from Lakeland, it's really easy to use and effortlessly efficient. It literally takes seconds to feed the courgette through the thick spiral cutter insert and it's always pleasing to watch the perfectly formed, long strands fall out.
I love the slight crunch of raw courgetti just as it is, but if you prefer a softer consistency you can steam it for a very short while. Be careful though, as it can quickly lose it's shape and consistency if you over cook it.
To make one serving of this dish, place the following ingredients in a bowl and thoroughly combine until all the courgette spirals are covered in pesto and the sun dried tomato strips are evenly distributed:
1 courgette, spiralised
5 sun dried tomatoes, cut into fine strips (I use scissors to do this straight into the bowl)
2 tbsp of vegan pesto (recipe here)
Top with a few cherry tomatoes on the vine for great colour contrast and a mouth watering finish!